(402) 598-0840

Tax Planning and Preparation

Three questions regarding Tax Planning and Preparation:


Is your business paying more in taxes than it needs to?

Do you have a relationship with a tax professional who you know and trust to take care of your needs?

Do you have a good handle on keeping track of all the pieces of your businesses’ finances?

cutting Taxes, Tax avoidance, Kirk Hicks CPA Omaha,

Answer One – paying more in taxes than is needed

I am guessing that your answer is no; who would want to pay more than they need to?  Yet, some businesses do pay more than other businesses earning the same income, because some businesses operate in the most tax-efficient entity type and others do not. Businesses can be operated in different “tax” ways, and each way results in differing tax bills.  Do you want to learn which ways result in lower taxes? I would hope so.

I hate it when business owners who, because of their form of doing business, pay more in taxes than they would if they were set up in a more-tax-efficient structure.  I love it when I can help a business legally minimize their tax burden, and in so doing maximize their after-tax profits.  After all, didn’t you go into business to maximize your after-tax profits?

Answer Two – do you have a relationship with a tax professional who you know and trust to take care of your needs?

If you do, that is great for you.  I wish you well.  If not, I am a seasoned CPA professional with over 30 years of experience serving business owners.  I have years of hands-on experience in the various phases of running a business.  Basically, I “know your pain” because I am right there, next to you in the trenches that are “being in business, day by day”.

Answer Three – keeping track of the puzzle pieces of your businesses’ finances

It is OK to confess that you have no absolutely no idea how to keep track of all the $ your business is earning and spending; what is not OK is to ignore the problem thinking it will solve itself; I assure you – it will not.  Fortunately, I have a solution which I’ve been providing to clients for over 25 years now.

It is QuickBooks, the #1 small business accounting software.  Over the years I have personally helped over a 100 businesses set up their accounting system using the QuickBooks program. Find out more how I can help you with QuickBooks.

Paying less in taxes should be one of your top priorities.

I help business achieve this through comprehensive tax planning; individual or business. I will work with you throughout the year, not just during the tax season to file your return, but will help you develop a customized plan with tax-saving strategies that are tailored to your situation. You will receive peace of mind, knowing that your taxes are in capable hands.The tax code changes every year and it is difficult for most people to keep up with those changes. I keep up to date with the ever changing tax laws and make best use of tax-saving opportunities available to you. Minimizing your tax liabilities and maximizing your future opportunities is the goal; all the while remaining in full compliance with IRS statutes.

IRS Representation

Do not fear an audit. I will be there to represent your business in front of state and federal agencies to help resolve your issue in a timely manner minimizing stress so you can run your business.

Want to Learn More?

Whether you have been in business or want to start a business, we can help.

Call (402) 598-0840, or click the link below to send an email.